The only events of any significance that I've done in the past week or so has been dynamis. I've been trying to stay clear of abyssea. We've done a valkurm, buburimu, and sandy (I think) since my last post. I don't really remember what happened in Valkurm, other than getting the win (which was the last that I needed to have Tav access). In Buburimu, I made out like a bandit, though. I got my MNK -1 hands, BRD -1 hands, and WAR acc (also got NIN acc, BLU-1 hands, and COR relic, but those auto-sorted to me).Posted Jan 26 2011, 12:12 PM
I have the BRD -1 head, but have yet to see a nq roundlet drop for me to lot on. Well, we had Sandy scheduled after buburimu, so there was a chance that I'd finally get that drop.
Before dynamis, I found that my gil was in short supply. Prior to doing all of my brigid the stylist quests, I had ~3.5mil just collecting dust. Well, then I went and upgraded some gear, adding some +HP gear to my Martyr/Devotion set and upgrading my G.Axe to something a bit better than my augmented Erlking's Kheten. I ended up gearing MNK and heading out to Castle O. I left after about 6 hours with 800k or so profit.
While I was there, I was in the room with the High Priests, needing only a scroll of Tornado and Aero IV to complete my farming sessioni. I had the room all to myself, which was nice. Suddenly, right as the prelates were about to repop, a couple of THFs show up. One engages the prelate as it pops, but I get claim w/ a chi blast. Of course, he didn't like this and said something like 'try that again' in /say. I ignore him, lay waste to the mob, and move toward the next pop. In the meantime, he engages a different mob and starts killing. I manage to snag all 4 BLM pops while he's fighting other mobs, and head back to the tunnel for safety while I wait for repops.
For something to do, he decides to kill the High Priest, but links an assassin as he's pulling it from the platform. Now, he's /NIN and is using bloody bolts to try to keep his HP up. But, with no way to silence the High Priest's -ga spells, he really starts to struggle, getting hit with either jubaku or paralyze. He does manage to keep one of the mobs slept for a decent amount of time while slowly whittling down the other. At this point, he mentions in /say that I should just stand there like a scrub and not help him.
I find that funny, since I had considered helping him with his links. But, to be honest, I was more interested in watching him wipe from those EP mobs. A BRD and MNK mob links up with him, but he is eventually able to kill them all (at one point he was down to ~5% HP, but he got lucky). As soon as he's done he /says 'You can kiss your account goodbye, I'm going to gm you'.
I thought that was interesting and was actually hoping to be contacted by a GM.
As he's resting, I go out and snag the 4 BLM mobs as they spawn, then return to the tunnel until the next round of pops. He eventually teams up with a RDM, BLU, and another THF. In /say he says stuff like 'I don't care who gets the kill so long as that POS MNk doesn't get the claim'. (At this time, I was AFK getting lunch on for the girls)
For the next ~2 hours or so, he continues to try to goad me into something, calling me a scrub MNK and telling me that I'm going to be banned from the GM.
Of course, I was never contacted by a GM. I wish that I had been. I almost considered calling a GM on him for harassment, but I figured that he wasn't really doing anything that couldn't be solved by /blist.
Eventually, he and his party left, and I had the room to myself once again. In the end I got just about every scroll worth more than a few thousand gil, so it was a worthwhile farming session. I just wish there was something that I could have done/said to that retarded (Kingcrossis was his name, or something like that) THF. Oh well, I guess haters gonna hate. It was painful how long it took him to kill a mob...
Anyways, since I was still relatively low on gil, I decided to comment synth mats in sandy, even though I needed BRD head still. The reason is this: the last 3 or 4 times I went to sandy, and had the brd head commented, it didn't drop. All of the other runs that I've done with the group, there is, at most, 1 other person lotting BRD stuff, even when it goes freelot. Recently, it seems that if a piece of AF drops once, it drops a lot. Also, one of the synth mats that drops in sandy sells for ~100k. I decided I wanted a shot at inflating my pocket book some more and would just have to hope that the BRD hat would go freelot.
I ended up winning the first griffon hide that dropped, but losing out on the rest of them for the remainder of the night. A total of 2 BRD heads dropped (the first went to someone with it in their /seacomm) of which I got the 2nd w/ no competition @ freelot 75.
After dynamis, I bought the items to have it upgraded to the +1. I didn't have to buy any byne bills since I had some from last week's run when I wanted to upgrade MNK hands (the GD synth mat hasn't been on the AH for almost 3 weeks >.>). On Sunday, I'll have a nice new Bard's Roundlet +1 to use. It will only be useful in a max-skill build, which isn't really useful at all, but at least I've got it. So now I've got all the pieces of BRD relic. Well, I did until I made one +1. I could focus on getting that piece back so that I can store the set, but with the porter moogle, that isn't really necessary any longer.
I still want the BLM hat/body from dynamis. I don't have the BRD or BLM acc, but neither of those are all that useful to me. I might just be done with dynamis really soon... I'll have to think about it some more. I do generally enjoy the event, but what do I really get out of it other than a couple thousand gil (if I'm lucky) in synth mats and negative XP?
After dynamis, I logged out in Castle O. I'd like to do a few more farming sessions out there, maybe bring my gil up to ~5 mil before the mog bonanza numbers are announced next week.
Also, shiji can go diaf. I /blisted him after his last screw-up. If he were someone that I stumbled across in a pick-up group, I'd have /blisted him a long time ago. Since he's in the LS and I've done stuff with him before, I've given him a few chances, but I'm not gonna deal with his crap any more.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Finally, BRD Relic is Done (kinda)
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