Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Goliard: DONE!

Nyzul Isle last night. We did one floor 80 and 2x floor 100. We got one piece of armor out of the deal, which was the Goliard Chapeau. Once again, it came on a run when we were running out of time. Just after the 10 second warning, Wack went to warp us out, but accidentally took us to the next floor instead. I don't care since I've got the hat that I've been wanting! So, my Goliard set is complete. We've still got a lot of hats to get, though. Also at least one more askar and goliard body, not to mention a couple of extra goliard pieces for Vaynard (I think he wants the legs).

0/1 on a Shiji-signed Aristocrat's coat. As soon as my old Noble's Tunic sells, I'll buy another shining cloth and we'll try again. Part of me wonders if this is a good way to spend my gil, since I don't really have a lot of it, but I really want that white box, so until we've gone 0/7 or break more than 3, I think I'll continue to buy the mats.

The Blessed Briault +1 is gonna be the tricky part, I think.

Sunday was sky. I got up there in time for Suzaku x 2. Wack got a nice synth mat for his pocketbook. We had 2x E.Head which went free both times. I was the only person who commented N.Feet, but they didn't drop either time. Next week is Kirin. I'll be hoping for another pair of W.Legs!
Posted Jun 3 2009, 08:46 AM

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