I managed to finish DNC and MNK bodies by doing the pursuer's wing quest in Abyssea - Grauberg. Not sue if I"ll use the DNC body for a TP piece (is the dual wield effect on that better than the 2% haste from raparee harness?) but its nice to have it done. The MNK body is a solid TP piece.
Then I saw a shout for Amarok and BLM body seals were open. I got in and managed to get the remaining few seals that I needed. I put my Yhel Jacket up on the AH even though it meant that I wouldn't have a refresh body piece for SCH. It's nice to clear up the inventory a bit. I ended up selling all of my teal gear, even though it was situationally useful on most of the jobs that could wear it. I just got tired of carrying it around and moving it whenever I job changed.
I had some spare gil laying around (thanks, in part, to a 1.6mil drop that Wack and I got while working on one of his G.Axe trials) so I picked up a pair of Brego gloves for use on WAR/MNK/DNC and some idle pieces for all jobs. I got the Wiglen Gorget and 2 rings that have a regen effect. These pieces total 6hp/tic regen when I'm idle on WAR. On DNC, the Ocelomeh headpiece makes that 7/tic. and on MNK, the relic body makes it 8! I haven't incorporated them into the idle sets for my mage jobs, since those tend to be a little tight on inventory, but they'll definitely be useful on my melee jobs!
I spent some time working on my last campaign promotion. I've now got Altana's Medal which is the highest medal I can get. Since I've completed the missions it means I'll never lose that medal, either! I don't do much campaign, but it is nice to know that the work that I have put in is safe. Losing a rank sucked!
In the process of doing campaign and doing dominion ops I racked up some merit points. I finished Upheaval merits and put 2 more into Shijin Spiral. I also changed my group 2 DNC merits around a bit to see how good Saber Dance really is. I don't like not being able to use waltzes, but I can see how the double attack rate could be useful in killing mobs faster. I tried it out on the mobs in Castle O and it seemed nice, especially with the 7/tic regen that I get idle. I'm not sure if I'll like it where the mobs are a little more difficult (like dynamis).
I've been doing quite a bit on SCH lately to help wack with merits and his G.Axe trials. I really like when I've got a clear role in the group. If I'm there for magic damage: great. If I'm there for healing: great. But, if I have to switch back and forth, I really start to struggle. At least having the opportunity to gear up SCH has given me a chance to tweak my macros and explore the job a little more than I have previously.
We went to Mt. Z to kill flans during dusty weather. Wack found Cerberus up and wandering around so we took a whack at duoing him. It was really quite an easy fight, if a little long. I think it was just a little over 30 minutes to kill it, but we managed as a WAR/DNC SCH/RDM duo!
After Cerberus, we managed to finish the last of his kill trials. He was able to get the rest of the geodes and titanites that he needed to completely finish his awesome G.Axe!
Ev, Wack and I went back out into Vunkerl to try for a pair of Magnus Sainti for myself. I headed out on WHM to see if the NM was up, and if so, find out where it was. I warped to flux 6 and took a knee. I got the message that the NM uwas ~250 yalms West, right in the middle of the rarabs. I sneak/'vis'd myself and took off toward the rarabs. When I got to them, I took a knee to see where the NM was. Instead of getting a message, I landed right on the NM and popped him! I was unprepared and solo (on WHM), so the best I could do was to find a safe place to die.
It turns out that another group was also there hunting the VNM, so we managed to only get 1 claim while we were there. We didn't get the stagger, but it did happen to drop the knucks that I was after. We split our time looking for the Ironclad Executioner since I was hoping to nab a Pluviale, but we never saw him pop. We'll have to go back out there again so that Ev can get the harp.
Since I had the nice new knucks, I needed to get some magnus stones. I geared up BLM and headed out to Misareaux Coast to do some Bastion. In about 30 minutes I was able to get enough resistance credits to pick up 10 pouches (or 990 stones). The following day, I geared up MNK and hit the Eldieme Necropolis in an attempt to get the limit break items for Skadan. We were beating up on skeles and hounds which were EP to me. The double-damage kicked in quite frequently (I went through almost 2 stacks of stones). I really like them, but in the end, it was a better idea for me to change to DNC so that we could have some TH to get the items to drop. I think I'll hold only my grotesque cesti since the magnus sainti will require me to carry a stock of magnus stones and I'd like the chance to use some other weapon if necessary.
Used some gil that I had and bought the last 27 forgotten touches that I needed to finish my Duelist's Chapeau +2. Yay for having 2/tic refresh on a headpiece! Boo for not ever having a need to play RDM. Now that I've got that piece done, I think I'll start collecting forgotten touches to upgrade my MNK relic hands to +2. Not sure why I should do this, since I'm pretty sure I don't use them (I use Brego gloves for TP), but they might be useful for some WS where accuracy and attack are nice bonuses (hello Asuran Fists).
In an attempt to get the last of my level 99 jobs empyrean armor +1, I convinced wack to join me in killing Chiir Batti, the djinn NM in Abyssea - Vunkerl. There weren't any pop items on the AH, so we decided to just farm some up when we got there. We get to camp and buff up and wack pulls one. It uses back-to-back TP moves and almost KO's him! We think it's weird but put it behind us. We know that bombs blow up, so we weren't too shocked (although I wasn't expecting it to hit a 95 PLD as hard as it did). Next pull, get gets a link. Both mobs use back-to-back TP moves and KO wack. While waiting for his weakness to wear off, I nuke some down to try to get a pop item. When he is unweakened, we go back to fighting and the same thing happens. Bombs go boom; Wack gets KOd. As it turns out, djinn mobs will get 100% TP and immediately use a TP move if they are hit with magic of the same element as the current weather/day. When we arrived, it was lightsday. Every time he got hit by a mob, his light-based spikes from reprisal would feed a TP move to the mobs, and they preferred to use their self-destruct move.
Luckily, the NM doesn't follow that behavior. We managed to get 1 pop item and pop the NM one time (even staggering it) before I had to go AFK. Unfortunately, I didn't get any WHM seals. I just need 3 more and I'll have all my armor +1'd. It's almost time to start working on +2s!
Lastly, a version update is scheduled for next week (on Valentines day). They'll be introducing some changes to the way some merits and abilities work (which will allow me to rearrange some of my merits). They're also changing the cure forumla for cures 1-4 to make healing magic skill more important. If my math is correct, my cure 4s will be curing right around 850 HP and cure 3s will cure for ~440. SE claims to be doing this to allow jobs other than WHM to have a chance to be adequate healers. If my calculations are right, they might do just that! I guess we'll find out in a week.
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