I spent some time after the version update screwing around in Xarcabard, hunting for treasure. I got a couple of locked boxes, but was only able to open 2 of them for an Ether +3 and an ash log. So the loot was crappy, but it was very fun to Hexa Strike the crap out of too weak mobsPosted Dec 10 2008, 04:26 PM
I happened to be logged on for a majority of the day yesterday(a perk of working from home, also why I don't WFH more often). I have been really intrigued by the treasure caskets. It's like camping a NM and getting the drop, for me!
I spent some time in Rolanberry Fields soloing on DNC a bit, trying to get it finished off at 37. I was hoping to be able to do some Fields of Valor, but I couldn't find a zone where I could participate at level 35. I settled on Rolanberry since I still wanted to open treasure caskets and was able to work through an emperor's band charge plus a bit more to get to 36. I think just another hour or two of soloing and I should be able to put DNC away for good.
After I landed back in Whitegate to see what was going on. I had 2 hours or so to kill before Nyzul and I wasn't doing Dynamis-Jeuno again with FearNothing (since there is no reason for me to go to any city zones). I ended up getting in on an ISNM3000 run. I got crap for drops (only 1 ore in our 6 runs). The NIN in the PT got to Jade Seplucher and realized that he forgot his orders. So, instead of letting the BLM D2 him, he runs back ... The RDM leader asked if he would just wait to get his orders after everyone else did their runs, to which he replied: "No, 'cause you guys won't stick around after". Which, of course, is 100% correct.
I got done with the ISNM just before 10, so I was geared up and ready to go on time. Yosh wasn't online again, but everyone else was gathered by 10:20. We picked up Jagged as a 6th and decided to climb 66-70 and then do 2x60 for hand armor.
All 3 runs went very well, despite being a low on support. Even the kill all floors went well. We didn't have any truly annoying objectives (like kill flayers, or kill all with flayers, or anything to do with flayers). We got out of the climb with about 1 minute to spare. The icing on the cake: Floor 70 unlocked Wack's King's Justice and CB's Atonement. Now we can climb my disc (or Redd's), which will be nice since I've got 3 mythic WS to unlock... (Mystic Boon first, King's Justice second, and Death Blossom if/when I feel like it)
Run 2 was a shot at the 60 boss. We made record time and got to floor 60 with something like 12 minutes to spare. The boss went down in short order and dropped one pair of Askar hands, which Wack got.
Run 3 went just about as well and we landed on floor 60 with something like 15 mins left. We got a revitalizer off of a mob, which Jagged took for twice the SAM 2-hr fun on the boss. The boss went down without any big hitches. It did a couple of annoying things, though, including wiping everyone's TP right at the start (goodbye icarus wings and meditate TP) and used physical shield just after Slig, Wack, and Jagged all used their 2-hrs. All we got for the win, however, was another Sturdy Axe (I think we've seen 5 or 6 of these drop).
Appraising items gave us a Viking Shield off of Steelfleece Baldrich, which I happened to have high lot on. We also fought Dune Widow, which I totally called as a leather gorget.
Not a bad night for Nyzul, all-in-all. Two more mythic ws unlocked for the PT, one more piece of armor scratched off the list, and a small money drop for our troublesI'm also at 16/25 assaults toward my promotion to Corporal.
Now, if I could just get in on some pick-up groups and win some Askar pieces...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
More Nyzul
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