Monday, September 27, 2010

RDM and WAR Done (almost)

Despite not playing on Friday night, I did manage to almost immediately snag an abyssea-Tahrongi PT on Saturday. It was against pachypodiums, and I started in the BLM PT, which meant Refreshga every 2.5 mins. I was also the only healer in the alliance (iirc), but it wasn't too bad. No status removals makes main healing a joke.

Eventually, somebody capped one job, and came back on their RDM, so I hopped into a DD PT. I started doing Stoneskin/phalanx-ga and also enfeebled a bit. This was also really easy work. With Refresh II, atma, and D.Chapeau, I was getting 12mp/tic back. I wouldn't often notice if my refresh dropped... It was crazy fun! I also nuked a bit, when I had nothing better to do. Stone/Water/Aero IV were all hitting very nicely between 750-850 dmg. Very respectable, I'd say! I left that PT after ~6 hours and ended up with RDM going from 1tnl @ 80 to capped @85 w/ almost 4 merits.

Sunday, I put my RDM stuff away and geared up WAR. I was hoping to do bastion to get some resistance credits stored up for all of the armor that I"m going to need to buy (I'll eventually need ~6k credits) and also to do a couple more leg seal quests (0/2 this weekend: SAM and nothing), but the fights just weren't happening, or when they did, they would be over before I could earn any xp. In over 30 mins inside the zone, I managed just 600 xp.

I ended up getting an invite after the kids went to bed and joined the PT as WAR/DNC (they didn't want me to change subs). It was fairly fun and stress-free (yay for not being responsible for anything!) and took me from 80 to 50% into 85. I think I'll stay on WAR for one more xp session so that I can cap my XP and also get some merits before I put it away and work on MNK. In the PT, my G.Axe skill managed to ding 300 so I learned Fell Cleave, which was fun. I also switched to Axe and got that skill almost to 310. I was putting out some pretty nice numbers, if i may say so :)

I scored a pair of BRD feet, which is awesome. I'll work on getting the seals to upgrade it when I'm done capping jobs. I look forward to some movement+ gear for BRD (in addition to mazurka). It could make additional seal questing just that much easier!

I don't plan on playing during the week again. I'll spend the evenings doing stuff with the family. This Friday is a poker night at my brother's house, and Saturday is a 5K walk that I'm doing w/ my sister-in-law. Since I'm leaving the house early on Saturday (my normal day to get up with the kids), I'll be letting Ia sleep in on Sunday, which means I can't stay up late on Saturday, either. So, I'm not sure how much playtime I'll really get in this week...
Posted Sep 27 2010, 09:58 AM

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