Now? I can clear every mob in the room and still have time to go AFK to get a drink before repops. Super fun!
I'm trying to save up a bit of gil but every trip to the AH can be dangerous for me. When I get some cash saved up, I start to look at (and bid on) the luxury items. Ideally, I need to be saving up for:
Blizzaja (~1.5 mil)
Comet (~2.5 mil)
Thunder V (~1.7 mil)
Curaga V (~500k)
Temper (~500k)
Holy II (~600k)
But, in typical fashion, I spent all my gil on this, instead:
I can't wait to actually use it! Finally a cure potency piece that I can use on RDM and SCH (BLM and BRD, too)! While it doesn't change my cure potency on WHM at all, it does bring cure potency on BLM/RDM/SCH/BRD up to 44%.
Of course I'm broke now and still don't have any of the scrolls that I need, and I probably overpaid for the new piece, but I was super excited to be able to buy this!
At the end of the night, I went with Ev and CB again to farm up some dynamis currency. We tossed around the idea of going to a different zone, but in the end, in the interest of maximizing our profit potential, we just went into Beaucedine again. As I was going to the quad TE, CB decided to run up to the Orc TE at the pond to solo it and save a few minutes. Unfortunately, he didn't have reraise up and had a massive link, including a BLM who was out of range for his sleep. He ended up getting KO'd and homepointed, thinking that he would be able to enter like old-style dynamis. He dropped from the party and logged off when he couldn't get back in. I hope he wasn't too upset.
Ev and I took out the last TE and went to farm the Yagudos. We managed to pull the entire night without any magic stagger mobs. I think there was only 2 or 3 mobs that we didn't stagger the entire night. We both walked away with 55 coins, which I sold overnight.
I really would like to do dynamis every night, though. I could use a few hundred thousand gil every day.
I wasn't keeping track, but armor was something like SCHx3, BST, DRK, SMN, WHM, THF. With the exception of CB's KO, it was a fun (and productive) run!
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